by Stanford Healthcare Innovation Team | May 27, 2021 | Research Study
iPOP – Integrated Personalized Omics Profiling We are relaunching our iPOP- Fiber and Microbiome study. We welcome you to sign up if you are above age 18 and live in the Southwest Bay area (e.g., Palo Alto) in California, United States. Our...
by Stanford Healthcare Innovation Team | May 27, 2021 | Research Study
By monitoring molecules in your blood and stool using multi-omic profiling, this study aims to understand differences in individual responses to the COVID-19 infection and response to vaccination. A “multi-omic” approach means looking...
by Stanford Healthcare Innovation Team | May 27, 2021 | Research Study
Prior Exposome Study Findings In a previous study, we measured 15 individuals’ exposome – the cloud of various particles in each individual’s environment, including bacteria, viruses, chemicals, plant particulates, fungi, and even tiny...