Learn about latest in precision and personalized health.

Keith Humphreys and Patrick J. Kennedy Awarded “Mental Health Innovations Award” for Excellence in Mental Health Policy
Niku Sedarat, a high school student, profiles the impactful mental health advocacy of Keith Humphreys and Patrick J. Kennedy, highlighting their recognition at our second Mental Healthcare Innovations Summit.

Keith Humphreys and Patrick J. Kennedy Awarded “Mental Health Innovations Award” for Excellence in Mental Health Policy
Niku Sedarat, a high school student, profiles the impactful mental health advocacy of Keith Humphreys and Patrick J. Kennedy, highlighting their recognition at our second Mental Healthcare Innovations Summit.
Preventative Medicine with BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutations
Katie Spitzer, a high school student, explores how advancements in preventative medicine, particularly through wearable technology and understanding of genetic mutations like BRCA 1 and 2, are revolutionizing early detection and prevention of cancer.
Research Unraveled: Distinct factors associated with short-term and long-term weight loss induced by low-fat or low-carbohydrate diet intervention
Badri Viswanathan, a high school student, explains our lab's publication looking at low fat and low carb diets as weight loss interventions.

Pandemic to Protection: The COVID-19 Vaccine Evolution
Adam Zaidi, a high school student, explains the development and scientific innovation behind the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.
Research Unraveled: Effects of an Immersive Psychosocial Training Program on Depression and Well-being: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Badri Viswanathan, a high school student, dives into our lab's publication on a novel intervention for depression and well being.
Exposures Research Study
We seek to identify and evaluate the environmental and workplace exposures using comprehensive exposome analysis methods and the combination of metabolomics data to identify occupational exposures that may impact human health. Join this study to help further research on the exposome and learn more about your own exposures in your home and workplace.
Research Unraveled: Recurrent Repeat Expansions in Human Cancer Genomes
Badri Viswanathan, a high school student, summarizes our recent paper, Recurrent Repeat Expansions in Human Cancer Genomes, and shares insights from the study.
Personalized Exercise Research Study
Which type of exercise is best for optimizing your health:
high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or endurance training?
We are conducting a study to investigate the physiological and molecular effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) vs. endurance training. If you are sedentary and want to begin exercising, we need your help!
Research Unraveled: Multi-omics Microsampling for the Profiling of Lifestyle-associated Changes in Health
Badri Viswanathan, a high school student, breaks down our recent microsampling paper (Multi-omics Microsampling for the Profiling of Lifestyle-associated Changes in Health) for everyone to understand.
Treating the Water Supply: Fixing the Downstream Effects of Health Disparities
Aaron Anandarajah, a student at the University of Pennsylvania, illuminates disparities in our healthcare system and what can be done to address them while sharing his own experiences.
Mental Healthcare Innovations Summit Video Library
We’re excited to announce that the talks and panels from our Inaugural Mental Healthcare...
Precision Medicine World Conference (PMWC) 2023 Recap
Precision Medicine World Conference (PMWC) 2023 was a highly attended event, bringing together...
Should you get your genome sequenced?
Albert Nasr, a Stanford summer workshop student, provides an overview and history of genomic sequencing and shares the benefits and drawbacks of sequencing the genome at different stages of life: fetus, child, and adult.
Long COVID: Progress Updates
Learn more about our Long Covid research study and find out if you are eligible. Long Covid (or...
Inaugural Mental Healthcare Innovations Summit
Mental health is one of the most challenging and pressing issues we face today. As former head...
Selena Gomez Awarded “Mental Health Innovations” Award for Excellence in Mental Health Advocacy
Join our community! Selena Gomez redefines what it means to be a 21st century superstar. Like...
Superpowers for Founders: Three Part Series with Stanford Pipeline and Kimberly Sauceda
Stanford Pipeline is hosting an event series with Kimberly Sauceda to help founders through some of their most common challenges - self doubt, inter-founder conflict, and founder-VC relationships.
Performance effectiveness of vital parameter combinations for early warning of sepsis—an exhaustive study using machine learning
In this crucial study, we built and evaluated machine learning models for 240 different combinations of 4 vital signs: heart rate, respiratory rate, peripheral oxygen saturation, and temperature and systematically ranked these vital sign combinations with regard to 2 performance parameters: (1) area under receiver operating curve and 2) prediction times.
Michael Snyder, PhD, President Biden and Rob Moritz, PhD, supporting healthcare, science and genetic research at the highest level
Supporting, Presdient Biden met with Michael Snyder, PhD and Rob Moritz to support science progress and the life-saving effects of Dr. Michael Snyder's ground breaking research in preventing diseases and key discoveries improving human health.
Multiomic analysis reveals cell-type-specific molecular determinants of COVID-19 severity
Featured on this month's August & September 2022 Cover of Cell Systems.
On the cover: Natural killer (NK) cells (pale blue) attacking SARS-CoV-2 viruses (red) with machine learning methodology signified by patterned numerals. In this issue of Cell Systems, Zhang et al. (p. 598) propose a machine learning method that integrates single-cell mult-iomic data with GWAS summary statistics to discover cell-type-specific disease risk genes. Application to severe COVID-19 identifies over 1,000 risk genes in 19 human lung cell types. Genetic risk is found to be enriched within NK cells and CD56 bright cytokine-producing NK cells.
Transcriptomic and proteomic data, cell lines, and cell culture resources that may be broadly enabling for non-human primate iPSC research
Featured on the cover of Cell Reports journal August 2022: Dr. Michael Snyder and team have released key findings.
This work is a step forward leveraging primate stem cells for future of organ generation. A significant potential of this work is to utilize generation of primates (including human) tissues and organs to reduce, refine and eventually replace the use of animals in biomedical research.
Dr. Michael Snyder delivers Health Innovation keynote at Amrita University and meets Amma, World-renowned Humanitarian Leader and Amrita’s Chancellor, in New Delhi, August 22-25, 2022
While in India as a featured distinguished speaker for the International Summit on Health Innovation Grand Challenges & Global Collaborations, Michael P. Snyder, PhD attended the inauguration of Amrita Hospital, Faridabad with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Spiritual Leader Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma), Dr. Girija V, Dr. Krish Ramachandran and other supporters, ushering in the country’s largest private hospital.
Measuring electrolytes at home for preventive care
Electrolytes are often overlooked, yet crucial to maintaining homeostasis. A 2013 study...
Stanford study investigating the role of human exposome in Crohn’s disease using wearable sensors and multiomics profiling
We are conducting a study to better understand the association between airborne exposures and onset and flares of Crohn’s disease.
We want to understand long-term impacts of COVID-19 on your physical and mental health
Stanford University is partnering with Intrivo On/Go to better understand what types of health...
Behind the Research: Precision environmental health monitoring by longitudinal exposome and multi-omics profiling
In Conversation with Peng Gao Peng Gao is an assistant professor at The University of...
Personalized Medicine, Big Data, and AI Summer Workshop
Calling all future researchers, bioinformaticians, healthcare entrepreneurs, and future medical...
A cancer-associated RNA polymerase III identity drives robust transcription and expression of snaR-A noncoding RNA
Results from this research support a model in which Pol III identity functions as an important transcriptional regulatory mechanism. Upregulation of POLR3G, which is driven by MYC, identifies a subgroup of patients with unfavorable survival outcomes in specific cancers, further implicating the POLR3G-enhanced transcription repertoire as a potential disease
CBS News Interviews Michael Snyder About Our Wearables Research Study and Self-Tracking Your Health Data.
"Stanford School of Medicine professor Michael Snyder is conducting several studies to see how far wearables can go in detecting disease. "You don't drive your car around without a dashboard," he said. "Yet, here we are as people. We're more important than cars, but we're running around without any sensors, most people. And we should be wearing these things, in my opinion, because they can alert you to early things."
Body Count, how Michael Snyder’s self-monitoring project could transform human health
"You prick your fingertip, put it on a sensor, and more biometrics scroll along the glass, all in blue, none in red to flag an anomaly."
"This is the future that Michael Snyder, director of the Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine and chair of the department of genetics, wants for everyone on Earth. He’s already cobbling it together for himself. Each morning, he straps on four smartwatches and an Exposometer to measure levels of airborne particles. He has a continuous glucose monitor for his blood sugar and an Oura ring to track his sleep." Read More >
Should stethoscopes be displayed in museums?
Shourish Mukherjee, a Stanford virtual summer workshop attendee, discusses the limitations of widely used stethoscopes, technology landscape, & proposed solutions.
New machine learning algorithm from Stanford team leads to the discovery of hundreds of potential drug targets for ALS
Utilizing a new machine learning method named RefMap, Dr. Michael Snyder and scientists at Stanford Medicine identified hundreds of ALS risk genes, leading to potential new ALS treatment discovery and a 5-fold increase in recovered heritability, a hallmark pathology of ALS.
Stanford’s large-scale, real-time monitoring & alerting system detects 80% of COVID-19 illnesses at or prior to symptom onset
Harnessing wearable data, the first large-scale, real-time monitoring & alerting system from Stanford detects abnormal physiological events, such as COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses.
About the all-time wise advice: wear sunscreen
Dr. Allison Zhang, a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University, writes about a recent paper on octocrylene and benzophenone in sunscreen and its relation to her work on the exposome and health.
Cancer immunotherapy: a newfound ally for humanity?
Vedant Madabushi, a summer workshop student, interviews Alexander Honkala on insights around cancer immunotherapy & multiomics.
Longitudinal data study shows gut microbiome diversity changes at the subspecies level during antibiotic treatment
Published as the August 2021 Genome Research cover publication, a Stanford research team found evolutionary & ecological changes in human gut microbiome subspecies during antibiotic treatment based on longitudinal data.
Summer 2021: Free Extended Reality (XR) Healthcare Speaker Series
Stanford Healthcare Innovation Lab is hosting a free summer speaker series on XR healthcare featuring Brian Hui, a product designer, Wenbo Lan, a full-stack AR/VR engineer, and Alex Sigaras, an Assistant Professor at Weill Cornell Medicine.
Webinar: Prof. Eric Topol on The Future of Precision Medicine – Opportunities and Challenges
Enjoy an informative webinar by Professor Eric Topol, moderated by Professor Michael Snyder about: The Future of Precision Medicine - Opportunities and Challenges.
Dr. Michael Snyder discusses deep profiling for personalized medicine on Rhonda Patrick’s FoundMyFitness Podcast
Dr. Michael Snyder, a pioneer in longitudinal profiling and personalized medicine, speaks with Rhonda Patrick about his team's work at Stanford, covering areas such as CGMs, multiomics, and wearable data.
Learn about solving rare diseases with Research to the People in an upcoming Clubhouse event
Join Research to the People on Clubhouse on July 15th to learn about how we're building innovative models to tackle rare and challenging diseases and hear from Dr. Michael Snyder, Ethan Perlstein, and Julia Vitarello.
Personalized Medicine, Big Data, & AI Explorers, a new virtual summer workshop from Stanford Medicine
A virtual, two-week summer intensive workshop from Stanford Medicine for students 16 and older that transports participants to the forefront of healthcare innovation research featuring topics such as precision health, big data, & AI.
Real-time alerting system for COVID-19 using wearable data – Stanford preprint available now
Our preprint for Phase 2 of our COVID-19 wearable study is available now! This is the 1st large-scale real-time monitoring and alerting system for detecting abnormal physiological changes, including COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses, using smartwatch data.
[New Study] How does does fiber influence health and the microbiome?
iPOP - Integrated Personalized Omics Profiling We are relaunching our iPOP- Fiber and...
Celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month this May
The pandemic has increased the number of people struggling with mental health; with May being Mental Health Awareness Month we are excited to highlight this topic and encourage you to care for you mental well-being.
New exposome study aims to find whether biological or chemical exposures contribute to the course of Crohn’s disease
Led by a research team from Dr. Michael Snyder's lab, a new exposome study aims to find whether biological or chemical exposures contribute to the course of Crohn's disease
A new research study from Stanford Medicine featuring molecular profiling of COVID-19 vaccine response utilizing at-home microsampling
A new study from Stanford Medicine aims to understand the differences in individual responses to COVID-19 infection and response to vaccination using microsampling.
Research to the People, making patient partnered research a reality at Stanford Medicine
Research to the People (RTTP) is a framework for patients, researchers and physicians to...
Swarm: a new, open-source federated framework helping researchers to reduce costs and runtime of big data projects
Meet Stanford-developed Swarm: a federated cloud framework that significantly reduces computational costs, run-time delays and risks of security breach & privacy violation.
Smartwatch data can predict blood test results, new Stanford study reports
A new Stanford study, published in Nature medicine, indicated that smartwatch data can signal physiological changes, such as a change in red blood cell count, as well as early signs of dehydration, anemia & illness.
Insights in the future of cloud computing and its impact on healthcare applications
Dr. Amir Bahmani, Director of Science & Technology at our lab, discussed the future of cloud computing and its impact on healthcare applications with Eric Schmidt, co-founder of Schmidt Futures and former CEO of Google, and Mark Russinovich, CTO of Microsoft Azure.
The cost function is rapidly changing toward computation and storage; for instance, we have...
Hummingbird: Exciting New Research
We recently published a paper, Hummingbird: Efficient Performance Prediction for Executing Genomic Applications in the Cloud,
Exciting new updates to COVID-19 wearables study and MyPHD study app
In November 2020 we published our COVID-19 early detection paper in Nature Biomedical Engineering which shows that 63% of the COVID-19 cases could have been detected before symptom onset in real-time.
COVID-19 Wearables: December Progress Update
We have launched Phase II Thanks to our over 5,500 participants, we have completed the first...
Socially Distant Togetherness and Innovation:
Hosting a Hackathon during a Pandemic When we were most isolated, we found creative strength in...
COVID-19 Wearables: July Progress Update
With over 5,500 participants and counting, we have become one of the world’s largest studies on infectious disease using data from wearable health monitoring devices.
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