Precision Medicine World Conference (PMWC) 2023 was a highly attended event, bringing together professionals and experts in the field of precision medicine.
The Snyder Lab at Stanford University had a significant presence at the conference, with a large booth that attracted hundreds of individuals. Attendees were able to see and learn about the lab’s current research studies and top publications, as well as a variety of innovative devices such as microsampling kits, exposome devices, and microbiome kits.
There was an interactable demo of our My Personal Health Data (MyPHD) app, a platform designed for centralizing and processing smart device data that is utilized in a multitude of completed and ongoing research projects – such as the Infectious Disease & COVID-19 Wearables study, the PAC-12 Student Athletes Study, and COUNT: The Precision Autism Project. We also launched the Snyder Lab Newsletter, a bi-weekly summary of anything and everything related to the Snyder lab.
This is a great way to ensure that you stay abreast of all new publications and actively recruiting research studies coming out of the lab, so if you aren’t signed up yet do so today!
A new offering this year was our Certifications in Genetics & Genomics courses, which are online professional education programs aimed to teach the latest advancements in health and medicine.
Presently we offer “Foundations of Genetics and Genomics” and “Advanced Topics in Genomics and Genetics”, though expect more cutting-edge courses on the field of Genetics in the near future. Find more information at and

One of the highlights of the conference was a talk given by Michael Snyder, the lab’s PI and chair of Stanford’s Genetics Department. He presented on the use of novel artificial intelligence strategies and the custom MyPHD platform in the analysis of omics data. Snyder discussed how these tools are used to monitor, predict, and report medically actionable events to patients in real-time. This groundbreaking work has the potential to revolutionize the way healthcare is delivered, making it more personalized and proactive.
Overall, the Precision Medicine World Conference provided a platform for exchanging ideas and showcasing the latest advancements in the field of precision medicine.